Imajinn assists SMEs to run their Websites, IT & Digital Marketing. We do this by providing quality, experienced people on an as and when need basis.
Our Approach
We use the same approach for all our clients, one that is used throughout the world to successfully deliver projects.
It's based on Agile and ensures our customer's needs dictate exactly what we focus on.
The engagement starts by working with them to identify opportunities and problems. We then put these into list, called a backlog, and get the customer to prioritise them.
Then it's down to us to with their suppliers, or source alternative ones, to deliver the items on the list.
To keep them up-to-date with progress, we report back on a regular basis. Most importantly, we use English and not techie speak to communicate!
Our Experience
We've been using this approach to successfully deliver projects for large and small companies.
It's one that ensures we focus on the issues that are most challenging and provides a high level of transparency for the customer.
Cost Effectiveness
We charge by the hour which helps to keep their costs to a minimum.
For more information, call our office on 01923 291192 or alternatively call our Managing Director, John Toomey, on 0788 78 38 222.